Pearson distance metric, handling missing values as in Cluster3
from math import sqrt
def mean(x):
return sum(i for i in x if(i is not None))/float(len(x))
def rmsd(x, mx):
return sqrt(sum((i-mx)**2 for i in x if(i is not None)))
def pearson(x,y):
assert(len(x) == len(y))
mx = mean(x)
sx = rmsd(x,mx)
if(sx == 0.):
return 0.
my = mean(y)
sy = rmsd(y,my)
if(sy == 0.):
return 0.
return sum((i-mx)*(j-my) for (i,j) in zip(x,y) if((i is not None and j is not None)))/sx/sy
def pearson_dist(x,y):
return 1. - pearson(x,y)
Function to calculate a distance matrix, based on an arbitrary (symmetric) distance function
def dmat(data, dist=pearson_dist):
D = []
for i in xrange(len(data)):
for j in xrange(len(data)):
if(i > j):
return D
Load the sample data set, using the default mode (missing values = None) of the CDT parser that we wrote in class
import stats
(header, genes, annotations, logratios) = stats.parse_cdt3(open("supp2data.cdt"))
Calculate the correlation matrix and the Pearson distance matrix, handling missing values as in Cluster3
correlation_matrix = dmat(logratios,pearson)
D_pearson = dmat(logratios)
On day 4, I mentioned that we can calculate the correlation matrix as a simple matrix product in numpy -- here's how.
First, so that we can check our work against the pure python implementation, we re-calculate the correlation matrix with missing values set to 0. (since we require this masking for the numpy method)
Parse the sample data again, this time setting missing values to 0., and re-calculate the correlation matrix
(header, genes, annotations, maskedratios) = stats.parse_cdt3(open("supp2data.cdt"),0.)
masked_correlation_matrix = dmat(maskedratios,pearson)
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
Convert our data matrix to a numpy array
M = numpy.array(maskedratios)
Calculate $D D^T$ where $D$ is $M$ with row centering and scaling (the normalization implied by Pearson correlation).
To apply these normalizations row-wise in numpy, it is easiest to transpose the matrix, do column-wise normalization, and then transpose the normalized matrix.
# transpose
T = M.T
# center on column means (row means of the original matrix)
T_centered = T - numpy.mean(T,axis=0)
# scale on column norms (row norms of the original matrix)
T_centered_scaled = T_centered/norm(T_centered,axis=0)
# transpose back to the original space
row_normed_matrix = T_centered_scaled.T
# calculate the matrix product
row_normed_correlation =,row_normed_matrix.T)
Note that the numpy method is ~500 times faster than the pure python method.
Let's confirm that the results are the same within rounding error:
d = row_normed_correlation - numpy.array(masked_correlation_matrix)
absdiff = [abs(i) for i in d.ravel()]
min(absdiff), max(absdiff)
$M M^T$ and its normalized variants are useful starting points for thinking about the natural dimensions of $M$. Here, we will walk through a simple principal components analysis of the data based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). Note that the main difference among different PCA approaches is the choice of normalization prior to calculating the SVD.
First, we repeat the mean centering from above, but apply it column-wise (i.e., assuming that the mean differential expression for any condition is 0.)
centered_matrix = M - numpy.mean(M,axis=0)
Multiplying the centered matrix by its transpose gives a covariance matrix. This is a good starting point for PCA for cases where each column is on a comprable scale.
covariance_matrix =, centered_matrix.T)
Scaling on column norms and multiplying gives a correlation matrix. The is a good starting point for PCA for cases where the columns represent very different measurements, or span very different dynamic ranges. This avoids loss of dimension at the cost of putting the resulting components on a harder to interpret scale.
scaled_matrix = centered_matrix/norm(centered_matrix,axis=0)
numpy_correlation_matrix =, scaled_matrix.T)
Calculate the svd of the centered matrix (equivalent to eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix). We use the transpose of the centered matrix to ask where the genes lie relative to coordinate vectors that are linear combinations of the conditions.
from numpy.linalg import svd
(u1,s1,v1) = svd(centered_matrix.T, full_matrices = False)
Check the number of dimensions filled up by our data (the rank of the data matrix) by looking for the first singular value that is numerically zero
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.core.display import display
fig = plt.figure()
This matrix is close to full rank, although some components clearly have more variance than others (i.e., the data is more ellipsoid than spherical).
We can convert the singular values to relative variance on each component by a simple transform:
def relative_variance(s):
v = s**2
return v/sum(v)
rv = relative_variance(s1)
fig = plt.figure()
sum(rv[:4]), sum(rv[:3])
Let's have a look at these first three components.
First, we'll project our data onto the full space of principal components
projected1 =, u1)
The first three columns of projected1 give the subspace spanned by the first three components -- let's plot them
(Note that I'm using numpy's special slicing syntax: x[:,c] extracts column c for all rows of x)
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.set_xlabel("PC 1")
ax.set_ylabel("PC 2")
ax.set_zlabel("PC 3")
# Give axes equal scaling
L = 0
for i in (ax.get_xlim3d, ax.get_ylim3d, ax.get_zlim3d):
(a,b) = i()
L = max(L, -a, b)
We can also take just two components at a time:
The first two components:
fig = plt.figure()
The first and third components:
fig = plt.figure()
The second and third components:
fig = plt.figure()
(Note that in this last projection, we are starting to see a more spherical cross-section relative to the ellipse of the full data)
Let's take a look at which conditions are contributing to which components.
We can plot everything as column vectors:
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
# Simple green->red non-overlapping gradient
cdict = {"red":((0.,0.,0.),(.5,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.)),
# map gradient to 256 actual RGBA values
cmap_rg = LinearSegmentedColormap("rg",cdict,256)
# Simple blue->yellow non-overlapping gradient
cdict = {"red":((0.,0.,0.),(.5,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.)),
# map gradient to 256 actual RGBA values
cmap_yb = LinearSegmentedColormap("yb",cdict,256)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(u1, interpolation="none", aspect="auto", vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=cmap_yb)
Or, just the first three components as simple line-plots
fig = plt.figure()
Same analysis for the correlation matrix
(u2,s2,v2) = svd(scaled_matrix.T, full_matrices = False)
rv = relative_variance(s2)
fig = plt.figure()
sum(rv[:6]), sum(rv[:4]), sum(rv[:3])
Note that the scaled data is more spherical, with a larger number of components contributing significant variance.
projected2 =, u2)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax.set_xlabel("PC 1")
ax.set_ylabel("PC 2")
ax.set_zlabel("PC 3")
# Give axes equal scaling
L = 0
for i in (ax.get_xlim3d, ax.get_ylim3d, ax.get_zlim3d):
(a,b) = i()
L = max(L, -a, b)
We can see the more spherical shape in the projection
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(u2, interpolation="none", aspect="auto", vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=cmap_yb)
fig = plt.figure()
After normalization, a larger number of conditions contribute to the first few coordinates.
fig = plt.figure()
b = plt.boxplot(centered_matrix)
fig = plt.figure()
b = plt.boxplot(scaled_matrix)