Goal: Calculate the gene correlation matrix for a large subset of the GSE86922 data set without running out of time or memory

Update my python import path to include the stats.py module from the course website

In [1]:
import sys

Load the stats.py module with my example pearson function

In [2]:
import stats

Load some other useful tools

In [3]:
import gzip
In [4]:
from csv import reader, excel_tab

Parse the GSE86922 data set

In [5]:
fp = reader(gzip.open("GSE86922_Brodsky_GEO_processed.txt.gz"), dialect = excel_tab)
header = fp.next()
data = []
annotations = []
for row in fp:
    data.append([float(i) for i in row[4:]])

Naive function for calculating the correlation matrix. Note that this doesn't take advantage of the symmetry of the matrix

In [6]:
def dmat(rows):
    d = []
    for (n,i) in enumerate(rows):
        c = []
        for j in rows:
    return d

Test runs with increasing $N$ to get a sense of how the problem scales.

We expect $O(N^2)$ for both time and space.

In [7]:
d = dmat(data[:10])
CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 1.16 ms
In [8]:
d = dmat(data[:100])
CPU times: user 108 ms, sys: 8 ms, total: 116 ms
Wall time: 85.2 ms
In [9]:
d = dmat(data[:500])
CPU times: user 1.77 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 1.83 s
Wall time: 1.71 s
In [10]:
d = dmat(data[:1000])
CPU times: user 6.77 s, sys: 80 ms, total: 6.85 s
Wall time: 6.71 s
In [11]:
d = dmat(data[:2000])
CPU times: user 26.5 s, sys: 192 ms, total: 26.7 s
Wall time: 26.5 s

Filter for detected transcripts

Here I'm using a list comprehension instead of an explicit for loop. It's just a convenient short hand.

In [12]:
from math import log
In [13]:
f = [i for i in data if(sum(1 for j in i if(j >= log(10)/log(2))) >= 2)]
In [14]:
d = dmat(f[:10])
CPU times: user 28 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 28 ms
Wall time: 27 ms
In [15]:
d = dmat(f[:100])
CPU times: user 80 ms, sys: 4 ms, total: 84 ms
Wall time: 80.7 ms
In [16]:
d = dmat(f[:1000])
CPU times: user 6.83 s, sys: 56 ms, total: 6.88 s
Wall time: 6.83 s
In [17]:
d = dmat(f[:2000])
CPU times: user 26.7 s, sys: 156 ms, total: 26.8 s
Wall time: 26.6 s
In [18]:
d = dmat(f)
CPU times: user 10min 39s, sys: 3.21 s, total: 10min 42s
Wall time: 10min 38s

Note that the full matrix run time is as predicted by quadratic scaling from the first 2k rows

In [19]:

So, we can afford to calculate the matrix for the ~10k expressed transcripts, but this is a bit large for plotting.

Let's do a more aggressive filter for differentially expressed genes.

Filter for 4x change between two samples

In [20]:
f2 = [i for i in f if(max(i)-min(i) >= 2)]
In [21]:
d = dmat(f2)
CPU times: user 52.5 s, sys: 224 ms, total: 52.7 s
Wall time: 52.3 s

This is small enough for an interactive plot, so let's take a look at it

In [22]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [23]:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.imshow(d, interpolation = "none", aspect = "auto")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fc041155250>
In [ ]: